Honenu Attorney Atari: We will do justice to the Sandak case

Honenu is representing those who are insisting on the investigation of the death of Ahuvia Sandak, z”l, who was tragically killed in a police car chase on Tevet 6 5781/ December 21, 2020, and defending the many who are being detained while demonstrating for change in police behavior. The car Ahuvia was in with four other boys overturned when the police car collided with it from behind. Please click here for a list of posts connected to the case.

Thursday, January 27, 2022, 17:41 Honenu Attorney Ariel Atari, who is representing the parents of Ahuvia Sandak, z”l, stated:

“Yesterday, we were informed that the Attorney General intends to announce his decision – eight months late – towards the end of the week and as a snow storm is approaching, to prevent public demonstrations. Unfortunately, the rumors were correct. The announcement of the decision indicates a huge lack of sensitivity for the bereaved parents. Despite the lengthy correspondence we had with the office of the Attorney General, as of now, Mr. Mandelblit has not transferred a copy of the decision to us. The copy we received was from journalists to whom Mandelblit had transferred a copy. This is the extreme insensitivity with which the Attorney General chose to complete his term.

Display depicting the death of Ahuvia, z”l; Photo credit: Mateh Yehudi Lo Horeg Yehudi

“The opinion of the Attorney General is based on a recommendation by the head of the Police Investigation Unit (PIU). However, the Attorney General has lost sight of the fact that the head of the PIU recommended closing the case in order to defend her scandalous conduct, which allowed disruption of the investigation and coordination of testimonies between the policemen suspected [of causing Ahuvia’s death] for three days. She defended the policemen who changed their testimony while being under investigation. The Attorney General narrowed his investigation to the circumstances of the accident. However, it is possible and appropriate to put the policemen on trial for causing the death of Ahuvia, z”l, by abandoning him for an entire hour under the car.

“Unfortunately, because the Attorney General chose to protect the policemen at any price, he lost sight of these sections of the law in recent days. The big questions are left unanswered. The Attorney General is ending his term on a sour note of insensitivity and of superficial legal examination of a case that will rankle the country for a long time to come. Next week, we will request the investigative material so that we can attack Mandelblit’s decision, and we intend to leave no stone unturned in order to do justice in this painful case.”

Honenu Attorney Menashe Yado added: “The Attorney General’s decision does not hold water. Any reasonable and intelligent person would understand this. In section 61, the Attorney General writes that the decision by the policeman to start to pass was a reasonable decision, and that he says after he describes to us how for two and half minutes there was a high-speed chase on a narrow road with the Subaru in front zigzagging left and right, to prevent being passed, and the policemen started to pass, causing death within a split second. Was it a reasonable decision to start to pass when within a second death was caused after a chase like that? If the Attorney General decides to say that what the policeman did was reasonable, then what he says is not reasonable.”

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