Honenu: The conviction is political persecution

Sunday, April 23, 2023, 11:37 On Sunday, April 23, the Jerusalem Magistrates Court sentenced the groom from the incident known as the “Wedding of Hate” – see explanation below – to four months of community service (commuted prison sentence), and a guest was sentenced to 180 hours of service for the public good. Two months ago, four additional minors who attended the wedding were convicted of incitement to terror and violence by the District Court after the Magistrates Court acquitted them. The acquittal of a fifth minor was upheld by the District Court.

Honenu Attorney Moshe Poleski, who handled the case, sharply criticized the court’s decision: “We are of the opinion that this case is an example of political persecution by the State Attorney’s Office. The court has adopted the baseless thesis held by the State Attorney’s Office that considers the incident to be a demonstration of incitement. Nobody should have been indicted.

“The incident was unseemly. However, it was spontaneous, and there was no intent of incitement. The entire incident was a protest of the so-called ‘necessary means’, which included the physical force employed by the GSS on Amiram Ben Uliel and other youths who were detained by the GSS and interrogated by them in their dungeons. It was convenient for the State of Israel to divert media attention from the illegal actions of the GSS to an incident that should not have occurred but was not criminal in nature. In light of the above, we will consider appealing the verdict and the sentencing.”

At a December 2015 wedding, participants were seen waving weapons and photographs of the infant who died in the July 2015 arson incident in Kfar Duma. The wedding became known as the “Wedding of Hate”. See here and here for two instances of central evidence lost by the police in the “Wedding of Hate” case, and here for a false detention in the case, for which the detainee received compensation.

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